Jamming with Other Musicians – New Song in the Works

Sounds for the Supermarket A few weeks ago something unexpected happened. I was waiting in line at this organic grocery store in Belgrano. Once I finally made it in front of the line, “Ctrl Alt Delete” of Black Sea Storm started to play on the stereo system of the...

Eleven Days till Fall – Updates from Buenos Aires –

The Weather Report The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous all summer, now we are approaching the fall season, and the month of March has it’s own charm in Buenos Aires. The sun has been shining every day, and the air temperature has just been perfect. I find...

Updates from Springtime Argentina

It’s springtime here in Buenos Aires! Early October I was able to release the first single made in Argentina “Biten Dün”. It was a great learning experience and an opportunity to get back at producing music. I am always amazed how I truly learn from lived...

“Biten Dün” Sent for Digital Distribution

I was able to finalize the first Black Sea Storm song made in Argentina called “Biten Dün”. I sent it for digital distribution yesterday. For now, the single album is only available for digital download on CD Baby. I’m hoping that the actual song will be available on...

First Song – Made in Argentina

Newly Made in Argentina The past three weeks or so have been quite productive for Black Sea Storm. I was able to write the first Black Sea Storm song made in Argentina. Just finished laying down all the tracks today. Until yesterday there was no vocals, because I did...